Commonwealth of Israel Reference Bible project
In 2018 the Commonwealth of Israel Foundation was created for the advancement of Commonwealth Theology (CT). One of the Foundation’s primary goals is the production of a Commonwealth reference Bible. In addition to the traditional elements of Christian theology—Soteriology, Christology, Hamartialolgy, etc.—our study Bible will expound on the elements of Israelology, Ecclesiology, and Anthropology that fall within the context of Commonwealth Theology.
The COI Reference Bible will not neglect the Gospel of Messianic Salvation and will promote the doctrines declared by the Apostle’s Creed. In light of this traditional theological basis, commentary is welcomed on the foundational aspects of the faith as well as observations supporting CT. In order to produce an objective educational resource, examples of views contrary to CT will also be included in the commentary; thus, broadening the opportunity for input from those who might not yet be in agreement with CT. Therefore, potential contributors would include; Traditional Jews, Messianics, Dispensationalists, and those holding other mainline Christian theologies.
The Foundation’s Bible committee is also documenting Bible cross-references specific to CT, which have been overlooked by “pre-CT” Bibles.
In addition to a team of commentary contributors, the Bible Committee is looking for Bible language scholars to address lexical references and translation, where necessary, to elaborate on the English meaning of words critical to Commonwealth Theology. Such language scholarship would also provide the academic credentials necessary for a future stand-alone CIV Bible (Commonwealth of Israel Version).
A list of current Bible contributors can be viewed here (updated periodically):
Parameters for Comments:
In order to produce a handy, portable-size Bible, commentary on verses, or background on passages, should normally be between 25 and 200 words. Shorter comments may be grouped with other comments on the same subject for variety or for presenting contrasting views. (In other words, if commentary already exists on a verse or passage, feel free to make additional or even alternate comments on the same verses.) Comments from 200 to 500 words will typically be displayed as quarter to half-page footnotes. There will be occasion for full-page commentary – limited by overall page-count.
Publishing Procedures:
The Foundation’s Board of Directors is the acting Chief Editor of the reference Bible. All prospective commentary will first be reviewed for applicability. Decisions on inclusion of content will not be finalized until the Bible’s (or NT's) final draft review. All content will be subject to redaction; which includes sentence structure, readability, and omission of redundancy. Comments may be returned to the contributor for resubmission with recommendations. All final edited content will be returned to the contributor for his or her approval, or, retraction if the contributor is dissatisfied with the final edit of the submitted material.
IMPORTANT NOTICE OF NON-DISCLOSURE: By participating, Bible contributors agree that the information displayed at the working Bible app is being shared prior to publication for the purpose of facilitating collaboration and agree not to copy, reproduce, or distribute the information, which in aggregate forms the Foundation’s reference Bible project(s), and contributors further acknowledge the COI Bible concept and content are the proprietary property of the Commonwealth of Israel Foundation.
Bible commentary may be submitted to Upload into the database will be done by the editing team and will then become viewable to all participants within a few days of submission.
Bible commentary may be entered directly through the Working Bible app if you have received a username and login. Let us know if you would like to use the app. It is to everyone’s advantage that you watch the tutorial video BEFORE attempting to log into the software: The YouTube video is private and not intended for unauthorized viewers. NO SHARING. As stated in the video, please contact the Foundation if you feel that someone should be informed of the details of our Reference Bible project.
Feel free to address any general questions to your personal contact(s) on the Board of Directors, or
Please address any questions or follow-up regarding submission, or submitted commentary, to
Please, do not share this private page with others. (Let us know of other prospective participants.)
We have identified the following theological categories:
Christian Life
Commonwealth Theology
(others have now been added to the dropdown list)
Below is a list of "Themes" which we are using to classify commentary (DD refers to the Denver Declaration):
In 2018 the Commonwealth of Israel Foundation was created for the advancement of Commonwealth Theology (CT). One of the Foundation’s primary goals is the production of a Commonwealth reference Bible. In addition to the traditional elements of Christian theology—Soteriology, Christology, Hamartialolgy, etc.—our study Bible will expound on the elements of Israelology, Ecclesiology, and Anthropology that fall within the context of Commonwealth Theology.
The COI Reference Bible will not neglect the Gospel of Messianic Salvation and will promote the doctrines declared by the Apostle’s Creed. In light of this traditional theological basis, commentary is welcomed on the foundational aspects of the faith as well as observations supporting CT. In order to produce an objective educational resource, examples of views contrary to CT will also be included in the commentary; thus, broadening the opportunity for input from those who might not yet be in agreement with CT. Therefore, potential contributors would include; Traditional Jews, Messianics, Dispensationalists, and those holding other mainline Christian theologies.
The Foundation’s Bible committee is also documenting Bible cross-references specific to CT, which have been overlooked by “pre-CT” Bibles.
In addition to a team of commentary contributors, the Bible Committee is looking for Bible language scholars to address lexical references and translation, where necessary, to elaborate on the English meaning of words critical to Commonwealth Theology. Such language scholarship would also provide the academic credentials necessary for a future stand-alone CIV Bible (Commonwealth of Israel Version).
A list of current Bible contributors can be viewed here (updated periodically):
Parameters for Comments:
In order to produce a handy, portable-size Bible, commentary on verses, or background on passages, should normally be between 25 and 200 words. Shorter comments may be grouped with other comments on the same subject for variety or for presenting contrasting views. (In other words, if commentary already exists on a verse or passage, feel free to make additional or even alternate comments on the same verses.) Comments from 200 to 500 words will typically be displayed as quarter to half-page footnotes. There will be occasion for full-page commentary – limited by overall page-count.
Publishing Procedures:
The Foundation’s Board of Directors is the acting Chief Editor of the reference Bible. All prospective commentary will first be reviewed for applicability. Decisions on inclusion of content will not be finalized until the Bible’s (or NT's) final draft review. All content will be subject to redaction; which includes sentence structure, readability, and omission of redundancy. Comments may be returned to the contributor for resubmission with recommendations. All final edited content will be returned to the contributor for his or her approval, or, retraction if the contributor is dissatisfied with the final edit of the submitted material.
IMPORTANT NOTICE OF NON-DISCLOSURE: By participating, Bible contributors agree that the information displayed at the working Bible app is being shared prior to publication for the purpose of facilitating collaboration and agree not to copy, reproduce, or distribute the information, which in aggregate forms the Foundation’s reference Bible project(s), and contributors further acknowledge the COI Bible concept and content are the proprietary property of the Commonwealth of Israel Foundation.
Bible commentary may be submitted to Upload into the database will be done by the editing team and will then become viewable to all participants within a few days of submission.
Bible commentary may be entered directly through the Working Bible app if you have received a username and login. Let us know if you would like to use the app. It is to everyone’s advantage that you watch the tutorial video BEFORE attempting to log into the software: The YouTube video is private and not intended for unauthorized viewers. NO SHARING. As stated in the video, please contact the Foundation if you feel that someone should be informed of the details of our Reference Bible project.
Feel free to address any general questions to your personal contact(s) on the Board of Directors, or
Please address any questions or follow-up regarding submission, or submitted commentary, to
Please, do not share this private page with others. (Let us know of other prospective participants.)
We have identified the following theological categories:
Christian Life
Commonwealth Theology
(others have now been added to the dropdown list)
Below is a list of "Themes" which we are using to classify commentary (DD refers to the Denver Declaration):
- The Living God: Savior of All [Love of God and plan for salvation: Gen 3; 1 Tim 4:10; Jn 3:16: etc....]
- The Importance of Personal Relationship [God’s desire for fellowship, personal sanctity, etc.; OT&NT examples]
- Christ (Messiah) the Chief Cornerstone [Salvific and Light of the World Messianic related OT and NT verses]
- Blessing Mankind Through a Chosen People [Abraham, the Establishment of Israel, Hope of the Gentiles]
- Commonwealth Theology Essentials [Overview / Key distinctives]
- Comparison of Modern Theologies [RT, DT, history of development]
- The History of Anti-Semitism [Antagonism toward the Jews, the Law, rejection of OT God.]
- Shortcomings of Prior Two-House Theologies [Suggested at BOD meeting - will need development]
- The Separate Sagas of Judah and Scattered Israel [DD Section 8 substance and verses]
- Judah and the Davidic Promise [Judah’s distinction: Covenant and special treatment]
- Abraham's Seed Sown Among the Nations [DD Section 14 substance and verses]
- Gathering Israel and Including the Gentiles [DD Section 15 substance and verses]
- Restoring Grace, Peace, and Unity [DD Section 16 substance and verses]
- Joseph's Role in the Gathering [DD Section 6 substance and verses]
- Edom's Role in Repairing the Breach [DD Section 7 substance and verses]
- Unity in the Commonwealth of Israel [DD Section 1 substance and verses]
- Enmity between Judah and Joseph Abolished [DD Section 2 substance and verses]
- One Congregation - God's Ultimate Plan [DD Section 3 substance and verses]
- One Lord, One King, One Redeemer [DD Section 4 substance and verses]
- One Elect - Distinct but Not Separate [DD Section 5 substance and verses]
- The Law: Holy, Just, and Good [OT and NT affirmations of the Law]
- The Rebellion and Treachery of Lawlessness [DD Section 9 substance and verses]
- The Sinaitic Covenant: Relationship and Obedience [DD Section 10 substance and verses]
- The Synthesis of Law and Grace [DD Section 11 substance and verses]
- Correctly Juxtaposing Law and Grace [Respecting the whole counsel; traditions; justification; intended benefits of L&G]
- End-Time Witness to One Messiah [DD Section 12 substance and verses]
- Persecution and Revival of the Whole House of Israel [DD Section 13 substance and verses]
- The Dual Office of Messiah [DD Section 17 substance and verses]
- A Royal and Priestly Ekklesia [DD Section 18 substance and verses]
- Two Witnesses, Two Anointings [DD Section 19 substance and verses]
- The Firstfuits of the Gathering [Spirit-endowed individual gifts and the beginnings of national salvation - CWS extensive notes]
- Commonwealth Eschatology [Last day events, resurrection/rapture, the veil, Millennium, etc.]
- Knowing God More [General encouragement toward edification]
- The Israeli Perspective
- Jesus' Ekklesia and its Relationship with ALL ISRAEL, the Elect
- Types of the Corporate Expression of God's Eternal Purpose: One New Man, Temple, etc.
- Gnostic and Dualistic influence on Christian and Jewish eschatology
- (others have now been added to the dropdown list)